Manicure is simply is keeping your fingernail clean, strong and healthy. Manicure is a beauty treatment of the fingernails performed by nail technicians at the saloon. This process includes the trimming, filling and shaping of fingernails.
Our nails go through a lot on a daily basis, manicures provides an opportunity to regularly clean the nails, ridding it of dead skin cells and preventing it from infections such as fungal infections, ultimately manicures make our nails look really good and attractive.
Manicures also provide opportunities for you to have your fingers massaged and de-stress (always a great feeling), finger massages helps in blood circulation and improves joint mobility. During dry harmattan seasons, our hands can feel very dry; manicure helps in conditioning the hand to feel good and really soft. (We love it when our hands feel soft, don’t we?)
In this article, we have to highlighted 3 ways manicures limits your chances of infections
4 Ways Manicure Limits Your Chances of Infections
- Trim and wash nails regularly
Longer nails have more tendencies of carrying germs and dirt than shorter nails. Trimming nails regularly and washing them with soap and water helps cleanse them from infectious germs.
Thanks to local cuisines, we may sometimes eat certain foods with our bare hands and if you have long nails, there’s a chance that some food particles will be stuck underneath your nails, hence, the need for regular trimming and washing of nails. If these germs are harboured for too long, it may further degenerate into serious health conditions.
2. Sterilize grooming tools
The risk of infections increases when grooming tools are shared between two or more persons without adequate sterilization. A person is more likely to get infected when he shares grooming tools with others. Ideally, you should go to the saloon with your own grooming tools so you do not have to share with others.
3. Don’t cut cuticles
Nail cuticles serves as barriers that prevent nail infections. If the cuticle is open, it exposes you to the risk of infections. When cuticle is dry and at risk of breaking, the ideal treatment is the use of moisturizers. During manicure, the gentle treatment of the finger softens and smoothens the nails, leaving the cuticle fresh and strong.
4. Moisturize
Always keep hands moisturized to keep cuticle healthy and safe from cuts which could lead to really bad infections. While filing, do so with care so that you do not cut your cuticles and be at risk of becoming infectious.
Nail infections are dangerous, especially for people with underlying illnesses like diabetes, and that is why you need licensed professionals to handle your manicure needs. At Ellas’s Place, we know you work very hard that is why we work even harder to guarantee your nails stay safe, fine and healthy every time you visit us.
Book your manicure session today; we have limited spaces for this week!